Friday, October 18, 2013


Fortuitous (adj.) happening by chance; propitious; prosperous; chance; fortunate; haphazard

  • I would much rather get an answer fortuitously incorrect because of a guess on the GRE than get an answer marked wrong simply by not responding.  

Gambol (v.) to dance or skip around playfully

  • I would like to go outside and gambol with Laura; however, I must study so that I can do what I want to do with my life.  
Lachrymose (adj.) teary; weepy

  • The women left the man's house in such a lachrymose state that the neighbors wondered whether he had broke up with her.  
Peregrinate (v.) to wander from place to place; to travel (esp. on or by foot)

  • I enjoyed Europe the most while peregrinating through the streets looking in shop windows and passing closely by the pedestrians. 
Rebarbative (adj.) causing annoyance or irritation

  • The black and yellow stripes on some creatures has a rebarbative function; other creatures are warned that they ought to stay away from such audacious colors.  
Venerable (adj.) respected because of age

  • As a human institution, some people surely venerate marriage simply for its perpetuation of our connection to the past.   
Livid (adj.) discolored as by a bruise; colloquial: furiously angry

  • Stuck in a stupid bureaucratic meeting, the livid man watched out the window as his car was ticketed by the parking authority.
Cloy (v.) to satisfy beyond desire
  • Cloy yourself and cure yourself of your rapacious want

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