Friday, October 11, 2013


  • Arrogate (v.) To claim and assume as a right that to which one is not entitled; to lay claim to and appropriate (a privilege, advantage, etc.) without just reason or through self-conceit, insolence, or haughtiness.
    • The current government in the United States has arrogated to themselves far too much power over our personal life.  
  • Dogged (adj.)  This word seems to have 2 senses in use.  The first sense is negative and it means "having an air of sullen obstinacy"; the second sense is neutral and means "having the tenacity or characteristic persistence of some breeds of dogs"
    • Hoping to increase his store's revenue, the dogged sales clerk obdurately performed his chicanery on every person that walked in the door. 
  • Consummate (v.) to bring to completion; to finish; to accomplish; also, to make a marriage complete by act of sex 
    • The graduation ceremony consummated the man's long struggle with learning.
  • Dissension (n.) disagreement in opinion, especially that which brings strife or contention 
    • The dissension in the United States stems partly from the lack of modesty on behalf of the atheistic science community and partly on the educated--albeit reticent--theistic citizens.
  • Obeisance (n.)  Homage or submission to a person in authority; deference towards an acknowledged superior; respectfulness of manner or bearing. 
    • In an attempt to demand obeisance from the young man, the older gentlemen treated his personal narrative on the art world as a picayune anecdote to their otherwise important conversation about the cost of paintings.
  • Extirpate (v.) to root out, to exterminate, to totally destroy (used with of and from)
    • Capitalists set up puppet democracies in an attempt to extirpate from the minds of the people any alternative to capitalism. 
  • Panegyric (n.) a person who writes a eulogy; a speech in praise of something or someone 
    • Ludovico Einauldi's newest album seems to my ears to be a panegyric hymn to the interminable strength of the human spirit and will.  
  • Veracity (n.) the quality of trustworthiness as manifested in a person or individual (used with of)
    • It is quite rare to find veracity of businessmen in competitive markets.  
  • Enervate (v.) to weaken physically 
    •  The alcoholic beverage enervated my mind.  

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